This article is for: Referee Administrators, Referees |
OverviewIn this article we will look at the referee rostering process and how referees accept their allocations. From extensive consultation with referee branches, Dribl applies best practice approaches to administrator rostering and referee allocation acceptance. Referee panel mapping determines the composition of matches (competitions, age groups and divisions) and types of roles within matches that referees can officiate across a competition. Different modes are supported by the system in applying restrictions to serve the needs of associations and referee branches. These modes are set during season configuration:
Referees will be able to navigate to any fixture via their branch, however they will only see the Match Sheet tab on a fixture should the branch allocation mode allow. If mode of Locked is applied, referees will never have the ability to self-allocate. Allocations that have been accepted by a referee will appear in their Home > My Matches list area in the DRIBL mobile app.
Dribl enables referees to be self-allocated based on the branches defined and allocation mode configured in Seasons. Referees are responsible for self-allocating matches when the season is configured with either of:
- Self-allocate mode – Open
- Self-allocate mode – Admin allocated and Panel Restricted
These modes are normally used when a referee branch is using a third-party rostering system and Dribl is used for digital match sheets.
Self-allocation enables a referee to allocate themselves or any other referees in their branch that are available to officiate a match.Referees can self-allocate using the DRIBL mobile app or desktop app.
Mobile app
To navigate to a non-allocated fixture in a branch, complete the following steps:
Log in to the DRIBL mobile app.
From the Following area, select the relevant referee branch.
From the Fixtures tab, select the relevant fixture.
Select the Match Sheet tab and then select Referees from the Pre Game section. The Availability screen is displayed, and the Referees tab is selected. The referees already allocated to the match are displayed.
Tap +. The Add Referee screen is displayed.
- Enter all the relevant information for the referee.
Referee Type Select the role the referee will perform in the match:
- Assistant Referee 1
- Assistant Referee 2
- Centre Referee
- Fourth Official
- Game Leader
Referee Select the referee member record.
Tap Done and then tap Save. The referee's name is added to the list of allocated referees.
Tap the 'available' toggle (tick icon) to mark the referee as available to officiate the match. A green tick indicates that the referee is available.
Tap the back arrow to return to the Match Sheet. The Referees section will show the number of referees that are available to officiate the match.
Desktop app
The diagram below outlines the process that referees use to self-allocate to match sheets using the desktop app.
Filter Match Sheets
The Filter Match Sheets process requires the referee to filter the scope of the matches they wish to allocate referees to.
Once the list of match sheets is presented, the referee can navigate to the Referees tab and add the referee with an applicable role to the match sheet. This rosters the referee onto the match and automatically sets that they have accepted the allocation.
To self-allocate a referee, complete the following steps:
Select Match Sheets from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.
(Filters) from the task menu. Set the required criteria and then click Apply.
For each match that the referee wishes to self-allocate to:
- Click
(Match Sheet Details).
- Select the Referees tab.
- Click +(Add Referee).
- Search for the referee to allocate.
- Click + to allocate the referee. The Referee Details page is displayed.
- Select the role the referee will perform in the match and specify if the referee is present at the match, if applicable.
- Click Save.
The referee administrators are responsible for the rostering and allocation of matches to the most suitable and qualified referees when the system is configured with:
- Admin allocate mode – Locked
The diagram below outlines the process that utilises a hybrid approach of manual and automated subprocesses to roster matches successfully across a specific filtered date range.
Filter Roster
The Filter Roster subprocess requires the referee administrator to filter to the matches that are part of the current roster cycle. This is done via the Referee Control Centre.
To access the Rosters part of a cycle, complete the following steps:
Select Referee Control Centre from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.
Select the applicable Competition.
Click the relevant league and date.
Select View Rosters.
Manual Rostering
Once the list of matches is presented, the referee administrator can apply their knowledge to map/allocate the suitable referees to the appropriate matches. The system will provide prompts to the referee administrator indicating a referee's availability through this process but will give overarching privilege to the referee administrator to override.
This manual approach allows for specific scenarios to be taken into account where automation simply cannot be utilised.
The manual allocation process locks those referees and the role they will serve for their allocated matches.
To manually roster, complete the following steps:
(Map Referee).
Navigate to the applicable role tab, Center Referee, Assistant Referee 1, etc.
Search for the referee to allocate and then click +(Add Referee).
The system will lock the manual allocation for the match. For each match the referee administrator can perform the following actions against each allocation in the Rosters tab of the Actions menu or the main navigation menu:
- Replace Allocation
- Clear Allocation
- Lock/Unlock
Automated Rostering
Once the referee administrator has made all the manual allocations they deem appropriate, they can choose to then automate the remaining allocations to 'fill in the gaps'.
Two modes drive the filling of the gaps:
- Sequential Strategy - Allocate the referees by referee ranking where matches are ordered by ground, field and date/time.
- Fill Strategy - Referees stay at one ground and ranking can be ignored to ensure the referees remain at the same ground.
The automated rostering takes into account the referee availabilities and blockouts that have been entered into the system as well as the panel configuration that drives which matches referees can officiate and for what role.
The automated rostering also will check if a referee is a coach, manager or player in a competing time slot so that they are not allocated to officiate a game they cannot attend due to a clash.
To roster automatically, complete the following steps:
From the Referee Control Centre, select the applicable Competition.
Click the relevant league and date.
Select Generate Roster.
Select the required strategy and then click Next.
Select the applicable date range and then click Next.
Click Generate.
The filter allocations subprocess requires the referee administrator to go to the appropriate period in the Referee Control Centre to focus on the scope of the matches they wish to review in the allocations, normally within a period.
To filter allocations, complete the following steps:
From the Referee Control Centre, select the applicable Competition.
Click the relevant league and date.
Select View Allocations.
(Filters) from the task menu. Set the required criteria for the allocations you wish to review and publish, and then click Apply.
Publish Allocations
Refer to Publish Referee Allocations for details on how to publish allocations.
Accept Allocations
Refer to Accept Referee Allocations for details on how to accept allocations.
Contact Referee Administrator
If the referee reviews the allocations and cannot officiate any matches, they must contact the referee administrator to resolve the issue. The system does not support a reject option on a published allocation.
Refer to Request Contact for details on requesting contact with the referee administrators via the DRIBL mobile app. A referee administrator will contact you to discuss the allocation.
Dribl allows branches to submit uncovered matches to neighbouring referee branches for assistance.
Raise Request
The originating branch raises a Roster Request.
Select the Rosters tab and filter the rosters to submit.
(Raise Roster Request) from the task menu.
Select the rosters to send to another referee branch using the red toggle to the right of the page.
Click Next.
Select the referee branch to send the selected rosters to and select the referee branch season.
Click Next and then click Send.
Attend to the Request
The receiving branch rosters the matches sent from other branches.
Select the Rosters tab and filter the non-branch rosters to attend to.
(Non-Branch Rosters).
Roster the matches following the Manual Rostering process.