Make Competition Visible to Public


  • Updated


During the preparation stages of a new season or competition, administrators may wish to disable visibility of the competition and fixtures via the DRIBL app and public Match Centre until everything has been finalised.


Season Visibility

To make all competitions in a season visible to the public, also referred to as "publishing a season", complete the following steps: 

  1. Log in to Dribl.

  2. Select Seasons from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.

  3. Click Edit.png(Edit Season).

  4. Select or clear Teams and Leagues Visible to Non-Administrators.
  5. Click Update.


Competition Visibility

To make a individual competition visible to the public, complete the following steps: 

  1. Log in to Dribl.

  2. Select Competitions from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.

  3. For the applicable Competition, click Visible.png (Toggle Competition Visibility).


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