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After Fixturing has been completed and matches are visible both in Leagues and in Events, the next step is to connect them to a field and time via Scheduling. This can be done in bulk or partially for a Competition, League, or specific round. Note that Fixtures and Timetable must be completed before Scheduling fixtures.

Coloured indicators will display if a full or partial scheduling of fixtures has occurred via the S icon in each grid item.

  • Grey – no fixtures scheduled
  • Orange – partial scheduling complete—this may indicate a bye match for a particular round
  • Green – all fixtures scheduled

There are three options when scheduling fixtures. The first is through Bulk Actions which caters to larger organisations with many leagues and competitions. The second is Toggle Multiselect which allows you to select multiple leagues and/or fixtures at a time from the Leagues page. Finally, fixtures can be scheduled individually.

To schedule fixtures using Bulk Actions, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Dribl.

  2. Select Leagues from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.

  3. Select the relevant Competition from the upper centre of the page.

  4. ClickBulkActions.png(Bulk Actions) from the task menu.

  5. Select Schedule Fixtures.

  6. Select the Leagues or Round Numbers for which you want to schedule the fixtures.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select Scheduling Options. For standard competitions, 'Home and Away' will be used, 'Neutral' is commonly used for knockout competitions or one-off events.

    To select an option, drag it from Available to Selected.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Click Schedule.

  11. Click Return to Generate Fixtures.

  12. ClickRefreshLeagues.png(Refresh Leagues) to refresh the page and view all changes.

To schedule fixtures using Toggle Multiselect, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Dribl.

  2. Select Leagues from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.

  3. Select the relevant Competition from the upper centre of the page.

  4. ClickToggleMultiselect.png(Toggle Multiselect) from the task menu.

  5. ClickToggleMultiselect.png(Toggle All) next to each league to toggle all the fixtures for the league or toggle rounds one at a time by clicking the individual round.

  6. Once you have selected all applicable rounds, click Selected n Rounds from the task menu. This will provide you with options to schedule or unschedule rounds.

  7. ClickRefreshLeagues.png(Refresh Leagues) to refresh the page and view all changes.

To schedule fixtures individually, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Dribl.

  2. Select Leagues from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.

  3. Select the relevant Competition from the upper centre of the page.

  4. Click the S icon on the relevant round and then click Schedule. Note that this option will only appear if the round is fixtured.


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