This article is for: Competition Administrators |
OverviewEnsure that you have read Season Overview prior to modifying a Season. A default Season is created for you by Dribl during the initial onboarding. You can modify and configure the season settings to meet your specific requirements. Seasons are managed by competition administrators who hold the role of Body Administrator in Dribl. |
To modify a Season, complete the following steps:
- Log in to Dribl.
- Select Seasons from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.
- Click
(Edit) for the Season you want to modify. The Edit Season form is displayed.
- Modify the relevant parameters.
You cannot modify the settings of an archived Season.Always exercise caution when modifying the start and end dates of a Season once competitions have commenced.
Name Edit the name of the Season (e.g. Winter 2022). Season Start Date Specify the start date for the Season. This is usually on or about the start of your first competition. Season End Date Specify the end date for the Season. This is usually on or about the end of your last competition. Registration Open Date/Time Specify the start date and time when registrations will be accepted for the Season. This is typically a set period of time prior to the start of your first competition. Registration Close Date/Time Specify the closing date and time when registrations will no longer be accepted for the Season. This is typically a set period of time after your competition commences. Member Update Restrictions Select who can update the details on a member record:
- Body Administrators Only: Only the Competition Administrators will have this privilege.
- Body and Club Administrator: The Competition Administrators and Club Administrators will have this privilege.
Sighting Restrictions Select who can sight member identification records:
- Body Administrators Only: Only the Competition Administrators will have this privilege.
- Body and Club Administrator: The Competition Administrators and Club Administrators will have this privilege.
Match Sheet Referee Visibility Select the applicable referee allocation option:
- Open: Referees can self-allocate on match sheets with no restriction on the matches they can officiate.
- Locked: Referees can officiate matches that the referee administrators have allocated to them. There is no flexibility on accessing matches they have not been allocated.
- Panel Restricted: This mode allows for referees to view their allocated matches as well as self-allocate on match sheets with restriction applied based on panel configuration on what games they can officiate.
Teams and Leagues Visible to Non-Administrators Select this option if you want to allow non-administrators to view teams and leagues. Auto-Approve Registrations (Store and External) Select this option to auto-approve registrations entered in a store and third-party registrations. - Click Update.