Create an Offence Rule


  • Updated


Offence Rules are created by competition administrators who hold the role of Body Administrator in Dribl.

Ensure that you have read Offence Rules Overview prior to creating an offence rule.

To create an Offence Rule, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Dribl.

  2. Select Offence Rules from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.

  3. Select the relevant competition from the task menu.

  4. Click +(Create) from the task menu. The Create Offence Rule form is displayed.

  5. Enter all the relevant information for the Offence Rule.

    Name Provide a name for the Offence Rule, (e.g. R1, R2).
    Description Provide a description for the Offence Rule, (e.g. R1 - Member Ban, R2).
    Select Participant Type

    Select the entity that the Offence Rule relates to:

    • Member: The Offence Rule relates to a member (player, coach or manager) resulting in a ban.
    • Team: The Offence Rule relates to a team resulting in a points adjustment.
    Select Card Types

    Select the Card Types that the Offence Rule relates to:

    • Yellow Card: The offence is a yellow card.
    • Red Card: The offence is a red card.
    • Other: Other type of offence.
    • Temporary Dismissal: The offence is a temporary dismissal.
    Offence Code Select the Offence Code that the Offence Rule relates to.
    Match Type

    Select the type of match that the Offence Rule relates to:

    • All: The Offence Rule relates to all types of matches.
    • Round Robin: The Offence Rule relates to a round robin only.
    • Finals: The Offence Rule relates to finals only.
    • Knockout: The Offence Rule relates to a knockout competition only.
    Number of Offences to Trigger
    Specify the number of offences that will trigger a member ban or a team points adjustment to be created.
    Select Action Type

    Select the action to be enforced:

    • Game Banned
    • Point Deduction
    Points to Deduct / Suspension Duration

    Specify the number of points to deduct from a team if the Participant Type is Team. The default value is 0.

    Specify the number of points to deduct from a team if the Participant Type is Member. The default value is 0.

  6. Click Create.


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