This article is for: Competition Administrators, Club Administrators |
OverviewRegistrations may be rejected for a number of reasons, including offence history or prior bad experience with the registrant. A Dribl registration can only be rejected in your store while it has a Status of Pending. If it has been approved in the store, it can only be rejected in the Dribl app while it has a Status of Awaiting Approval. Once the registration has been approved in the Dribl app, the registrant must be deregistered.
To reject a Dribl registration, complete the following steps:
Select Stores from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.
Clickto enter your store.
Select Registrations.
Find the registration to be rejected.
Click(Reject Registration) from the task menu to the right of the applicable registration. The status of the registration is changed to Rejected.
To reject a registration in the Dribl app, complete the following steps:
Select Registrations.
Find the registration to be rejected.
Click(Reject) from the task menu to the right of the applicable registration (alternatively, click(Review) to review the registration and then click Reject). The status of the registration is changed to Rejected.
Any monies paid will be refunded to the registrant.