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A form is a type of template used during the registration process when a product is selected. Each product has an associated form, which in turn has associated terms and conditions. Multiple products may use the same form.

Forms are created within the club store by a Club Administrator.

To create a Form, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Dribl.

  2. Select Stores from the Actions menu or the main navigation menu.

  3. ClickEnter.pngto enter your store.

  4. Select Forms.

  5. Click +(Add) from the task menu. The Create Registration Form Template form is displayed.

  6. Enter all the relevant information for the Form.

    Name The form name.
    Custom Email Messages
    Custom message for submitted registrations Custom message that gets emailed when a registrant submits.
    Custom message for approved registrations Custom message that gets emailed when a registration gets approved.
    Custom message for rejected registrations Custom message that gets emailed when a registration gets rejected.
    Custom message for refunds Custom message that gets emailed when a refund is processed.
    External Payment Instructions
    Message to explain External payment process Custom message to explain how to make an external payment.
    Message to explain External refund process Custom message to explain how a refund will work with an external payment.
    Waiting List Instructions
    Message to explain the Waiting List process Custom message to explain how a refund will work with an external payment.
    Email message to explain the Waiting List approval Custom message that gets emailed when a registrant on a Waiting List gets approved.
    Email message to explain the Waiting List retraction Custom message that gets emailed when a registrant who was on a Waiting List was approved, but that approval gets retracted.
    Pay Later Instructions
    Message to explain the Pay Later option Custom message to explain how the Pay Later option works.
    Social Football Messages
    Message to send the social football team invitation code Custom message to send the ... [tbc]
    Installment Reminder Message
    Installment instructions Custom message to explain the instalment payment process.
    Message to send as a reminder to pay the next installment Custom message to explain how a refund will work with an external payment.
    Registration Status Contacts
    Who to contact when a registration is submitted Email address to email when a registration has been submitted.
    Who to contact when a registration is approved Email address to email when a registration has been approved.
    Who to contact when a registration is rejected Email address to email when a registration has been rejected.
    Who to contact when a registration is approved off the waiting list Email address to email when a registrant who is on the waiting list is approved.
    Disbursements and T's & C's
    Default Disbursement Select a default disbursement set with related terms and conditions and vouchers for all products using this form.
    Terms and Conditions

    Click +(Add) to select additional Terms and Conditions. The Select Terms & Conditions to Associate to this Product form is displayed.

    Select Available Terms & Conditions to select all the terms and conditions or select individual terms and conditions. The terms and conditions that you select will apply to all products that use this form.
    Payment Options
    External payment option name The external payment name, e.g. Cash. If you select External Payment as a payment option, the external payment name is displayed as a payment option.
    Payment options Select the payment options for products that use this form.
    Pass Payment fees onto customer Include the payment processing fee in the final total price.
    Additional Questions
    Additional Questions

    Additional questions you may choose to ask the registrant for this signup form.
    Enable the applicable questions and select Required if the item is a requirement of registration.

  7. Click Create.


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